Ginger Detox Cocktail

Ginger Detox Cocktail Recipe

Just a little healthy kick.

It’s that week between Christmas and New Years where nobody knows what day it is. Cheese is consumed at every meal, and it’s 10am so it must be okay to start drinking right?! If this sounds familiar, we’re in the same camp of pj’s all day and queso in places you cannot imagine. These days of nothing-to-do and ease, are some of my favorite out of the year. Yet, they do leave me completely out of whack, with my body begging for its normal routine, structure, and foods.

To help add just a little balance into these luscious days of sloth-like behavior, I created this simple and easy ginger cocktail. It’s a great way to get your digestive system back on track after a week of indulgences (none of which are regretted might I add). I whip up a pitcher and drink it throughout the day and in-between meals to stay hydrated. Pro tip: drink it out of a wine glass because why not.

Ginger is a rockstar for your bod. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory, which simply means that it is great for your immune system. By aiding your body’s natural defense system, it acts as an all-natural white blood cell healer. So, if you find yourself getting sick at this time of year - stock up on fresh ginger and ginger tea to kickstart your immune defense system. Another one of my favorite things about ginger is that it keeps your metabolism humming by aiding in digestion. Add some fresh ginger to hot water along with a squeeze of fresh lemon for acid. The acid from the lemon will help break down fat and heavy starches in your body from rich foods, while the ginger will soothe stressed areas of your digestive tract.

1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger
the juice of a whole, organic lemon
1/2 tablespoon of honey
1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (optional)

all of the ingredients together in a pitcher with warm water.



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