Concept | May '20
Good Morning, May.
Well, the arrival of May has been somehow long awaited and yet a total shock. Perhaps its because these last three months have melded together like a cluster of days, each identical to the last.
I will say, I’m loving the at home life. I’ve always been a total homebody, introvert, avoider of crowds and loud noises. So–this is kind of my jam. However it has been incredibly terrifying watching the world as we know it change so drastically. In a perfect world, we’d all just be staying home for a few weeks without the terror and danger of a virus–and instead, maybe, oh I don’t know–to help the environment? Ironically, while our social world is falling apart, our physical environment is actually thriving–which is so beautiful. Dolphins are swimming in the canals of Venice. Skies haven’t been clearer in decades. Waters are thriving with new life. What if we just all universally agreed to 6 months of total environmental calmness each year? Just an idea.
I’ve been having a hard time marking time recently–remembering what day, week, even what time it is. Over coffee this morning, I asked Jackson, “does the rest of this year even matter? What are we even doing?”
I think the answer is yes it completely matters. Despite these past few months not going at all “to plan”, I think we’ve got a really interesting, new future ahead. It’s safe to say that things just won’t click back together. Some things might take a bit longer to reform and adjust. I’m looking forward to a day soon when I can hug my grandparents again, and when I can sit at the same dinner table as my parents.
I actually find this “disrupt” of yearly planning quite refreshing. That said, I do know so many plans (weddings, parties, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, events) have all been painfully rescheduled for a later date and how stressful and frustrating that is. There is nothing worse than looking forward dearly to something, and having it all be torn to shreds. However, with the total demolition of major social plans for the near future, it gives us a chance to breathe. There are no expectations, no obligations. I for one get so stressed when I travel, or have big events that I’m planning my calendar around.
Maybe instead of planning, scurrying, scheduling, and “being busy” this year, we can just live. We’ll be living differently, newly and probably a little uncomfortably for a bit, but out of discomfort we are reborn raw and real.
So entering May, that is my mindset. There are ZERO expectations, set plans, obligations or “must-dos”. We’re all learning a new way of life, one that will most likely reform how we think moving forward. I’ve been craving a reset, so maybe this is it. Happy May, my dear.