The Adorned Kitchen Counter

Because we rent, I can’t exactly rip out our kitchen faucet and install my dream stone sink…so love adorning our countertops with cherished decor pieces.

One day, I’ll be able to have the full kitchen of my dreams, but until that day–I’m working with what I’ve got and am so happy with it.

When it comes to the kitchen, I love balancing practical and beautiful. Objects of beauty live together in harmony with practical appliances/tools to create a livable space in our kitchen. (In other words, we have a tiny ass kitchen and I try to make it look styled and not cluttered!)

These are a few pieces that I love keeping by our sink!

I rest our soap and hand cream on this little marble footed pedestal–I love the texture and purpose that it gives to this area.

I just picked up this soap and am so excited to try it! I wash my hands probably at least 10 times a day so I love elevating this experience with a special soap…it just makes the experience so much better!


Bedroom Details


Notes On Vintage Glassware Hunting