Curated: An Aperitivo Moment

The art of the aperitivo.

The aperitivo moment is a simple one. Light, delicious, fragrant bites paired with a refreshing bev. Ideally an aperitivo moment is spent in the late afternoon sunshine with the best company.

For me, I adore collecting meaningful objects over time to bring out during these simple moments. A splatterware pinch bowl for olives, or a crystal tray for our wine bottle. I find that having small, beloved objects for even the most simplest of purposes brings me so much joy in remembering to embrace the moment. The art is in the details–and nothing brings that out more than a lovely aperitivo.

My favorite cocktail right now–

The Basil Spritz
4 oz Prosecco
2 oz Limoncello
3 oz Pellegrino
2-3 sprigs of fresh basil, muddled
1 lemon slice for garnish

Begin by filling a large wine glass with tons of ice. Add in the muddled basil and then all the liquids–finishing with the limoncello. Garnish with a fresh slice of lemon. Enjoy!


Monday Uniform


A Note to Mid-July