Dear June

On the cusp of summer.
Warm afternoons.
Light-filled evenings.
A year half-full.

June holds a special place in my heart. The beginning of summer always brims with excitement, anticipation and joy for me.

Looking forward to
There are so many things to look forward to, and feel grateful for this summer. First off, summer travel. I can’t wait to visit friends in July on the east coast. Followed shortly by a trip to visit family in the midwest. Get ready for ample beach and lake content! We’re also taking a few smaller trips here and there – up to wine country and out to the east bay to visit my family.

This June feels different. Mainly because we’re not planning our wedding anymore. I’m also not working at my start-up full time job that I was last year. I’m in a moment of transition right now, trying to figure out where to land. It’s an odd feeling and place to be. Part of me is scared, the other part hopeful. I’m hoping to use June to figure out “what I want to do”. I hate that phrase, but I’m just not sure where I want to land. Do I want to go back to a corporate/startup environment? Should I continue to pursue (but really invest in) my own gig? What does that even look like? These are the questions swirling around my brain lately. It’s not exactly a feeling of “lost” but it’s something like it. I feel lost in the possibilities yet inspired/hopeful by them at the same time. I’m insecure about it - so I don’t talk about it on social really. There is so much comparison out there – and it’s an odd place to open up and be vulnerable. Although now that I write it, maybe I should talk about it more.

Working on
My personal brand. I launched
my own professional site - which I’ll share more on as I get into the crux of it all. I’m trying to market myself as a professional stylist and art director - so I’m taking the time to create a cohesive branded site to convey my vibe and messaging other than my blog. I feel like my blog lives as a stream of content, while a professional site is cleaner and more streamlined to focus on who I am. I’m also starting to take myself on artist dates again! Something I did pre-wedding planning, and now I’m excited to get back into them. I’ve been reading ANNA and have been so inspired by her work ethic - and also the general vibe of running a magazine, I’ve been trying to use that as a guiding force for my own creative inspiration and work ethic. I’d love to combine my love for florals, styling and food in some small business sort of way. And yes, I did just throw that sentence in here at the end without any cohesive organization of this paragraph. Gives you a sense of the utter chaos that is my brain lately.

Rearranging. What is it about the therapeutic urge to rearrange furniture and decor?? It just makes me feel better and like there is a burst of new energy in the space without necessarily going out and buying something. I swapped our entryway decor around a bit and every time I walk through there I get a gust of fresh energy, I love it. Also buying fresh flowers. That is helping my mood immensely. Also moving - moving my body even in the simplest of ways. I have a rule – I can’t sit down at my desk until I’ve moved my body for the day (ie a long walk, a workout class, something).

Bountiful summer salads! I’m on a cabbage kick lately and I’ve been shredding it super finely and using it as a base for salads. I love adding fresh mini cucumbers, charred corn and avocado for a little pizazz. We’re also still making our wedding cocktail on repeat - the
Basil Spritz! We add a little limoncello to it and it’s so refreshing–just a dash, not too much!

Lusting After
At the top of my list are the
it-shoes of the summer (which are subsequently out of stock everywhere) but my goal is to find them!
elevated t-shirts. I have a couple in my cart right now…this, this and this.

Other Notables
I finally published my
Italy Style Edit! I also added a few more pieces that I would have worn / wish I had.
I’m also thinking about starting a local book club-like thing…but for creatives. Something like a floral and wine night or something. I’d love to get local folks together to bond over our shared interests and learn from one another. Nothing weird or exclusive, more like an open invitation for likeminded creatives/aspiring creatives to come together. Even if you moonlight as a creative and just want to hang with good vibes.

Hope you have an amazing month ahead! I’m beginning to send out my email series again! Look out for inspiration, roundups and products I’m eyeing there. First up is an Etsy roundup of pieces I’ve been loving, coming shortly. Happy June.


My Jewelry Stack


Why Fräulein