Concept | January '21



Now nothing magically changes overnight, but rather slowly over time. I’m excited, nervous, optimistic and not expecting much about 2021. However, I am definitely manifesting and setting small goals. Let’s start with my favorite part–the manifesting and inspiration!

As we enter into a new year–I’m focused on manifesting for now and the dear future. What I’ve learned over 2020 is that life is about the details, the journey, and cultivating the dream you want to achieve. It’s never too early or too late to start a journey, or to begin cultivating anything/everything.

January will be a month of collecting. By collecting, I mean inspiration collecting, learning, and home-treasures collecting. I’m starting a new book and I can’t wait to dive in–I’ve heard such good things. I also recently received Home Bodyit’s a beautiful read, I literally couldn’t put it down.

This will also be a time of great building. By building, I just mean–building up–both myself and others around me. I want to stop doubting myself when it comes to my creative voice. I also want to keep building in healthy, mindful routines into my day-to-day. Nothing major, just small rituals to keep my mind and body on track. I’m starting to journal everyday which I’ve never done before, really. I kept a journal when I studied abroad in Paris, but not for a long-term time. I’m excited to see how this helps my mental health–I’ve had so many great conversations about the benefits of journaling. Just after Christmas, I completely gutted my closet and gave away a TON of clothing. I’m going to go through more and eventually strip down my wardrobe to bare minimal essentials. I’ll work to build up these essentials slowly, carefully, and mindfully over time.

Anyway, January also contain:
Lots of cooking
Nights with the TV off–reading a good book
Early morning walks around our neighborhood
Re-designing our bedroom


Concept | February '21


Cultivating Cozy in the Depths of Winter