Oh, February

February always tends to get a bad wrap. I’ve heard it deemed as “The Tuesday of Winter”–which does kind of resonate in the idea that we’re nearly to spring but not quite. Despite it’s somewhat “blahness” I actually am learning to appreciate February.

I love the idea of using February to our advantage. Okay, maybe it’s a dreary dark month that feels slightly endless. Days are still short, winter is at its firmest grip. Although there is something to be said about being the light to your own flame. When things start feeling “blah” around me I try to take a step back and ask myself–what will my future self appreciate I did during this time?

When I say use February to our advantage, I simply mean let's put our heads down, slip away a bit, and come out feeling as though we’ve put in the honest effort towards betterment.

Maybe that means saying “no” a bit more, or digging deeper into those habits we tried to instill through the month of January with a refreshed intention.

Maybe it’s dreary and gray outside, so we make every effort to make our surroundings (our homes, our routines, our souls) glow from the inside out?

Because at the end, we’ll exit this month at the fringe of Spring.

In a sense, February is winter’s last act. It’s the last hardest, darkest, dreariest month for a while. So even though things might feel hopeless or monotonous or uninspired at this present moment–nothing is permanent.

Everything’s blah and dreary? Become that light and warmth you seek and I promise it will truly come to you.

Now this all might sound a little preachy and yada yada, but in this world I think we wall need a little bit of that every now and again. This February I’m excited for a few things–but above all else I’m seeking to embody the light and warmth I’m desperately craving. I’m starting with small acts, like making sure my bed is made every morning, stocking flowers in each room in our apartment, nourishing my body with clean foods and challenging it with movement. I know that if I put my head down, try, create, love, and maybe be a little temporarily uncomfortable, the reward will be great. Because I’ll know that at least I tried.

A few things I’m doing this month – 
Keeping a clean, organized and “beautified” fridge – I’ve seen so many of these on pinterest, but I do believe that a clean surrounding leads to cleaner choices, so I’m focusing on stocking our fridge with fresh produce and delicious ingredients for a month of home cooked meals.
Florals always – I’m keeping flowers in each room of our apartment to quite literally bring life, beauty and color into our home during these dark weeks. These don’t have to be extravagant – a few stems from the flower mart will go a long way.
Heated yoga - I’m excited for this as I’ve been doing classes here and there but this month I’d like to get into the studio at least once a week to feel that warm burn.
Continuing a “dry” lifestyle - I stopped drinking back in October, purely because it just felt natural. I genuinely believe that our bodies go through seasons–and right now I feel like I’m in a season of intuitively not wanting alcohol. I’m not strict with it by any means, but it’s just something that feel right.
Long walks – I cannot tell you how much I love walking in the city. I love putting on my headphones, grabbing Millie and getting steps when the weather permits–it truly makes my body tingle with good vibes.
No unnecessary spending - I’m loving the “de-influencing” trend that is running wild on Tiktok. Less is more, you don’t need to do a makeup haul, get that extra water bottle or anything from Jenni Kayne–like enough already. You’re enough.


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